Lokerlampung.net - Bursa Kerja Lampung di PT. AXA Financial Indonesia Terbaru Agustus 2016. Welcome to AXA. We are a global leader in insurance and asset management. And we are transforming our business so that we can protect people better; thinking and acting far beyond what you would expect from a financial services company.

Bursa Kerja Lampung di PT. AXA Financial Indonesia Terbaru Agustus 2016

Present in 59 countries, our 161,000 global employees work to support and help our 103 million customers worldwide, both individuals and businesses, by providing them with solutions to better:
  • manage and pass on their personal assets
  • prepare for their retirement
  • protect their loved ones or businesses
  • settle their health expenses
  • grow their wealth

AXA in Indonesia is the part of AXA Group, one of the biggest Insurance and Assets Management Company in the world, with 161.000 employees assisting more than 103 million customer in 56 country.

AXA has been recognized by Interbrand as a number one Global Insurance Brand in the world for 6 consecutive years (2009-2014). AXA has been operate by focusing to Life Insurance, General Insurance and Assets Management through Multi Distribution line which are bancassurance, agency, brokerage, digital, telemarketing and corporate solution.

AXA’s agency network in Indonesia continuously growth with 70 branch office and more than 14.000 professional sales force. In Indonesia AXA also has bancassurance network with 1.800 Financial Advisor in more than 1.810 Bank Mandiri branch and 200 Bank Syariah Mandiri Branch in all over Indonesia. AXA also supported by more than 500 telesales officer selling the insurance product through telemarketing line

Kompensasi & Benefit :
  • Gaji Pokok
  • Income Tidak Terbatas Setiap Bulannya
  • Bonus Bulanan
  • Bonus Semesteran
  • Bonus Tahunan
  • Trips, Tour & Travel kemanca Negara
  • Kontes & Rewards
  • Training Berkesinambungan
  • Jenjang Karir sampai ke level tertinggi

Tanggung Jawab Pekerjaan :
  • Melakukan perjanjian bertemu dengan client
  • Mengatur data-data client

Job Desk : Tenaga Pemasaran Asuransi PT. AXA Financial Indonesia Dengan Multi program Perencanaan :
  • Asuransi Kesehatan
  • Asuransi Perencanaan pendidikan
  • Asuransi perencanaan Pernikahan
  • Asuransi Perencanaan Pembelian Rumah, Kendaraaan Dll
  • Asuransi Perancanaan Hari Tua Saat Masa Pensiun
  • Asuransi Perencanaan Pensiunan Perusahaan
  • Asuransi Syariah Perencanaan Naik Haji & Umroh & Pendidikan
  • Dll

Persyaratan Pengalaman :
  • Pengalaman minimal 6 Bulan
  • Mempunyai Relasi atau kenalan luas
  • Menguasai Microsoft Office
  • Mempunyai jiwa kepemimpinan

Kualifikasi :
  • Pria & Wanita
  • Pendidikan Min. SMA/SMK sederajat
  • Usia Min. 21 Thn S.d 45 Thn
  • Jujur dan teliti
  • Good Attitude

Cara Pendaftaran :
  • Kirim CV Melalui Email : iwan.unpad@gmail.com atau
  • Kirim SMS "Ketik Nama#Usia#Pendidikan#PosisiYangDilamar ke 081278065869

PT. AXA Financial Indonesia
Jl. Diponegoro No. 206D, Teluk Betung Utara, Bandar Lampung
No Kontak : 0721 476 171 ; 081278065869

Demikian Bursa Kerja Lampung di PT. AXA Financial Indonesia Terbaru Agustus 2016, semoga bermanfaat.