Lokerlampung.net - Work Challenge From ORAQLE LAMPUNG February 2016, Oraqle began in 2007 at Bandar Lampung, Indonesia. The name was derived from ‘oracle’—an answer, prophecy, wise sentence. Started as a distribution outlet, in the mid of 2009 the company decided to make a clothing line called “Oraqle Wear”. With focusing itself around Youth Culture in all its forms, Oraqle Wear seek to produce goods that utter oracles thru the art of fashion. now Oraqle LAMPUNG is open recruitment for :
Work Challenge From ORAQLE LAMPUNG February 2016
Requirements :
  • Male/Female age max 28 y.o.
  • Capable in operating design program (Corel Draw, AI, PS, etc.)
  • Able to work in team
  • Able to work underpressure and deadlines
  • Domicile in LAMPUNG
Read also the latest Lampung other job :
  1. Tantangan Kerja PT. Erajaya Swasembada, Tbk. Bandar Lampung Pebruari 2016
  2. Open Rekrutmen CV. Eyang Uti Indonesia Kota Bandar Lampung Terbaru Pebruari 2016
  3. Tantangan Karir Lampung Terbaru Pebruari 2016 Dari Perusahaan Jasa Operational and Manintenance Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap
Apply now! Send your CV and Portfolios by email to : 

Subject line “Graphic Designer”
We are looking to hire immediately, no later than February 29, 2016
Jl. Z.A. Pagar Alam No.12C, Kedaton, Bandar Lampung
(0721) 7721 98

Thank you for your attention , may be useful.
source : Karirlampung, February 22, 2016