Lokerlampung.net - Challenges Recent SOE February 2016 Work From Pawnshops PT (Persero) , PT Pawn (Persero) invite the sons and daughters of the best regions, quality, commitment, integrity and high moral and able to work hard to join as:
Work Challenges Recent SOE February 2016 From PT Pawn (Persero)
CV and application submitted will be processed further in accordance with the specifications of the work required.
  1. Indonesian citizens;
  2. Minimal education D3;
  3. Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 2.5 scale 4
  4. Accreditation Programs minimal C at the time the applicant graduated from college (if there is no information in the certificate of accreditation must be a Certificate of Accreditation of Higher Education or seek in ban-pt.kemdiknas.go.id/direktori.php);
  5. For overseas graduate applicants must be a letter from the Higher Education Diploma Equality;
  6. Birth April 1, 1989 or thereafter;
  7. Height for males at least 160, and height for Women at least 157.
  8. Never been married.
  • Prospective applicants enter data into the application of e-recruitment in rekrutmen.pegadaian.co.id began on February 23, 2016 at 22:00 pm until the date of February 28, 2016 at 23:59 pm.  
  • Prospective applicants are required to fill all the existing data with the actual situation.
  • Before filling the data in the e-recruitment, applicants are expected to prepare:
  1. Personal data (which exist in the Identity Card)
  2. Data Academic Diploma and Transcript
  3. Data Accreditation Department of diplomas
  4. Photograph size 4 x 6dalam form jpeg files with a maximum file size of 500KB to upload
  • Applicants are encouraged to prepare documents as dipersyaratakan stage RE-SIGN item to (2) below.
  • Applicants are encouraged to continue to monitor the development of the information and this recruitment process on the website www.pegadaian.co.id
  1. Applicants who passed the stage REGISTRATION required re-register on the date and place specified.
  2. The documents that must exist and be taken when re-register is:
  • A cover letter addressed to the President Director of PT Pawn (Persero) cq To Regional Leaders based on location of the Regional Office applicants purposes;
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV);
  • Recent color photographs size 4 X 6 cm 3 pieces and
  • Postcard-size color photos throughout the body as much as 1 sheet.
  • Copy of a valid identity card 1 sheet, if the ID card expired because the new ID card no minimum must attach a letter from District / Village;
  • Copy of Birth Certificate / Certificate of Birth 1 sheet;
  • Copy of Family Card 1 sheet;
  • Copy of Diploma legalized (by colleges that publishes Education Minister diploma or appropriate regulation No. 11 in 2014), while the Certificate of Graduation is not allowed;
  • Copy of Academic Transcript that have legalized 1 sheet (by colleges that publishes Education Minister diploma or appropriate regulation No. 11 in 2014);
  • Copy of Certificate of Accreditation Programs or printout of the search ban-pt.kemdiknas.go.id/direktori.php(bila in ijasah not include accreditation)
  • Original Certificate Not Married (minimum of village / local Village);
  • Original Certificate of Good Behavior (SKKB) / Police Notes (SKCK) Police are still valid or photocopies that have been certified and are still valid;
  • Original Certificate of No Color Blind Hospital / Health or a copy of which has been legalized;
  • The original letter from the Drug-Free Hospital / Health or photocopies that have been certified and are still valid.
  • Make a statement stamped Rp.6.000, - (affidavit harusmemuat items as below), which states:
  • Willing to comply with all admission selection.
  • Stating the truth of all documents attached.
  • Willing to marry for one year since he was appointed as an employee of PT Pawn (Persero);
  • Willing to be placed throughout the territory of the Republic of Indonesia;
  • Willing to reimburse the costs incurred during the selection process if the applicant has passed the final stage of selection and withdrew unilaterally;
( The entire document entered into the folder color "GREEN" was taken at the time of re-registration .)
Read also the latest Lampung other job:
  1. Challenges of Recent Work From SD Islam Az-zahra Bandar Lampung February 2016
  2. Work Challenge From Oraqle Lampung February 2016
  3. Work Challenge PT. Erajaya Swasembada, Bandar Lampung Tbk February 2016
  • Participants are not charged anything in the recruitment process;
  • The committee does not bear the cost of accommodation and transport participants to and from the location where the test;
  • All information about recruitment can be seen in www.pegadaian.co.id;
  • Recruitment committee's decision is final and can not be contested;
  1. Fill out the form online at e-recruitment application.
  2. Select the "Form New Applicants"
  3. Input all the fields with the correct data, end by pressing the button "Submit"
  4. Check the email that is inputted in the previous form. Attached in the email password.
  5. If you want to change the data that are input beforehand, select the menu "Login Registered Applicants"
  6. Use the email address and enter the password obtained previously (see point 4)
  7. Change the data as appropriate, end by pressing the button "Submit / Save"
  8. Applicants can make changes to the data that has been inputted to the date of February 28, 2016 at 23:59 pm (before the application is closed).
So the announcement was delivered.
Jakarta, February 23, 2016
the Committee Recruitment 2016

Thus  Challenge SOE Recent Work From February 2016 PT Pawn (Persero)  , may be useful.
Source: Web Site Pawnshop and Radar Lampung, February 23, 2016