- Applicants who passed the stage REGISTRATION required re-register on the date and place specified.
- The documents that must exist and be taken when re-register is:
- A cover letter addressed to the President Director of PT Pawn (Persero) cq To Regional Leaders based on location of the Regional Office applicants purposes;
- Curriculum Vitae (CV);
- Recent color photographs size 4 X 6 cm 3 pieces and
- Postcard-size color photos throughout the body as much as 1 sheet.
- Copy of a valid identity card 1 sheet, if the ID card expired because the new ID card no minimum must attach a letter from District / Village;
- Copy of Birth Certificate / Certificate of Birth 1 sheet;
- Copy of Family Card 1 sheet;
- Copy of Diploma legalized (by colleges that publishes Education Minister diploma or appropriate regulation No. 11 in 2014), while the Certificate of Graduation is not allowed;
- Copy of Academic Transcript that have legalized 1 sheet (by colleges that publishes Education Minister diploma or appropriate regulation No. 11 in 2014);
- Copy of Certificate of Accreditation Programs or printout of the search ban-pt.kemdiknas.go.id/direktori.php(bila in ijasah not include accreditation)
- Original Certificate Not Married (minimum of village / local Village);
- Original Certificate of Good Behavior (SKKB) / Police Notes (SKCK) Police are still valid or photocopies that have been certified and are still valid;
- Original Certificate of No Color Blind Hospital / Health or a copy of which has been legalized;
- The original letter from the Drug-Free Hospital / Health or photocopies that have been certified and are still valid.
- Make a statement stamped Rp.6.000, - (affidavit harusmemuat items as below), which states:
- Willing to comply with all admission selection.
- Stating the truth of all documents attached.
- Willing to marry for one year since he was appointed as an employee of PT Pawn (Persero);
- Willing to be placed throughout the territory of the Republic of Indonesia;
- Willing to reimburse the costs incurred during the selection process if the applicant has passed the final stage of selection and withdrew unilaterally;
( The entire document entered into the folder color "GREEN" was taken at the time of re-registration .)
Read also the latest Lampung other job:
- Challenges of Recent Work From SD Islam Az-zahra Bandar Lampung February 2016
- Work Challenge From Oraqle Lampung February 2016
- Work Challenge PT. Erajaya Swasembada, Bandar Lampung Tbk February 2016
- Participants are not charged anything in the recruitment process;
- The committee does not bear the cost of accommodation and transport participants to and from the location where the test;
- All information about recruitment can be seen in www.pegadaian.co.id;
- Recruitment committee's decision is final and can not be contested;
- Fill out the form online at e-recruitment application.
- Select the "Form New Applicants"
- Input all the fields with the correct data, end by pressing the button "Submit"
- Check the email that is inputted in the previous form. Attached in the email password.
- If you want to change the data that are input beforehand, select the menu "Login Registered Applicants"
- Use the email address and enter the password obtained previously (see point 4)
- Change the data as appropriate, end by pressing the button "Submit / Save"
- Applicants can make changes to the data that has been inputted to the date of February 28, 2016 at 23:59 pm (before the application is closed).
So the announcement was delivered.
Jakarta, February 23, 2016
the Committee Recruitment 2016
Thus Challenge SOE Recent Work From February 2016 PT Pawn (Persero) , may be useful.
Source: Web Site Pawnshop and Radar Lampung, February 23, 2016