LokerLampung.net - Job Vacation on PT GOS Indoraya 2015, We are outsourcing company which provide human resources to our clients. We have assisted some functions of human resources in any kinds of industries. These industries are banking, automotive insurance, leasing, consumer goods and telecommunications.


  1. Pria
  2. Single / Married
  3. Tinggi Badan Min. 165 cm (Proposional)
  4. Usia Min. 20-25 Tahun
  5. Pendidikan Min. SMK Jurusan Otomotif/SMA/SMK Keahlian di bidang Otomotif
  6. Bisa Mengendarai mobil

lowongan kerja lampung di PT. GOS Indoraya

Kirim Lamran Lengkap ke:
Tlp. Pratiwi: 081268417626 / Yudha 081279239472

Demikian Job Vacation on PT GOS Indoraya 2015, semoga bermanfaat.

Sumber: Gos.co.id, 05 Februari 2015