PT SMART Tbk is one of the largest, publicly-listed, integrated palm-based consumer companies in Indonesia which is committed to sustainable palm oil production. Founded in 1962, SMART's palm plantations have a total coverage area of approximately 139,000 hectares (including small holders). SMART also operates 15 mills, four kernel crushing plants and four refineries. SMART listed its shares on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 1992.

SMART's primary activities are cultivating and harvesting of palm trees, processing of fresh fruit bunches into crude palm oil ("CPO") and palm kernel, and refining CPO into value-added products such as cooking oil, margarine and shortening.

Lowongan Safety Inspector PT. Sumber Indah Perkasa – Lampung

Besides bulk and industrial oil, SMART's refined products are also marketed under several brands such as Filma and Kunci Mas. Today, these brands have been recognised for their high quality and command significant market share in their respective segment in Indonesia

Safety Inspector (SI)
Job Desc:

1. Memastikan seluruh karyawan baru dan pekerja kontraktor telah mendapatkan safetryInduksi sebelum mulai bekerja.
2. Memastikan seluruh tamu / pengunjung mendapatkan safety induksi mengenai PT. SIP Lampung.

Laki-laki, usia 24 – 34 tahun.
Pendidikan minimal D3 Semua Jurusan.
Memahami Sistem K3
Pengalaman min 3 tahun di bidang SHE (Safety, Healthy, Environment, and Fire)
Memiliki Sertifikat K3 Umum (lebih diutamakan)

Kirimkan surat lamaran lengkap, ditujukan kepada:
PT. Sumber Indah Perkasa – Lampung
Jl. Raya Tarahan KM. 17
Ds. Rangai Tri Tunggal Kec. Katibung Kab. Lampung Selatan
Paling lambat Tanggal 31 Januari 2014
(Cantumkan kode lamaran di sudut kanan atas amplop lamaran)
Hanya kandidat yang sesuai dengan persyaratan yang akan diproses.

Sumber: Karir Lampung, tanggal 19 januari 2014